Integrative protection: security and comfort rethought.

WhyIn Germany, a bicycle is stolen every minute.


Even the highest quality U- and folding-locks can be broken open silently in seconds using the simplest tools.

The solution:

2Lock logo mit blauer 2 und blauem Innenkreis im O

One lock, double locked.

A tire with an arrow that symbolizes the locked state.


The immobilizer in the 2Lock system prevents the wheel from turning. This means that the e-bike cannot be ridden or pushed away. This function serves as the primary anti-theft device, as it makes the e-bike unusable and thus prevents theft.

The thru axle with an arrow that symbolizes the locked state.

Removal lock

The removal lock blocks the removal of the thru axle so that the hub or wheel cannot be unintentionally removed from the e-bike. This makes the 2Lock an integral part of the bike and it can only be broken open by destroying the bike's riding capability.

Thanks to its closed system, 2Lock offers no target for bicycle thieves. Compared to all conventional locks, it cannot be forced open without destroying the bike's roadworthiness at the same time. E-bikes with 2Lock are therefore extremely unattractive for thieves and fences, as it is no longer possible to resell them economically.

Due to the compact design in the front wheel hub, the 2Lock hub lock is visible but does not detract from the design of the e-bike. This preserves the aesthetic appearance of the e-bike.

Both locking mechanisms can be opened and closed contactlessly, which means that the "Keyless Go" standard established in other areas, such as the automotive industry or smart homes, can be transferred to e-bikes. 2Lock thus completes the digital anti-theft concept of the future.

Image of a front bike wheel from the break side.
Image of a front bike wheel from above.
Image of a front bike wheel from the right side.
Image of a front bike wheel from the inner.


Anti-theft protection of the future

Symbolisches Fahrrad bzw. E-Bike ohne MarkierungSymbolisches Fahrrad bzw. E-Bike mit blauer Gabel und vorderem RadSymbolisches Fahrrad bzw. E-Bike mit blauer Gabel, vorderem Rad, Motor, Akku, Display und RahmenSymbolisches Fahrrad bzw. E-Bike blau
2Lock Icon in grau2Lock Icon in blau
Schild mit Verbindungen in alle Richtungen grauSchild mit Verbindungen in alle Richtungen blau
Alarmierende Glocke in blauAlarmierende Glocke in blau
Marker für GPS in grauMarker für GPS in blau
verschiedene ID-Nummern in grauverschiedene ID-Nummern in blau
Schild mit Haken in grauSchild mit Haken in blau
2Lock Icon in blau

        Physical lock
Physical locking is a central component of the concept. The 2Lock hub lock acts as an immobilizer to prevent unauthorized use and also protects the wheel and fork against theft. It also enables contactless locking and unlocking. This physical locking mechanism forms the core of the comprehensive protection concept.

Schild mit Verbindungen in alle Richtungen blau

        System Security Software
The bike manufacturer's security software deactivates important electronic components such as the motor, battery, display and electronic gears. In the event of theft, these can no longer be used or reactivated. As the frame is also adapted to these components, it is also worthless.

Alarmierende Glocke in blau

The alarm makes it impossible to carry the bike away silently.

Marker für GPS in blau

With the help of GPS, the owner is notified immediately if his bike is moved without authorization. It can also be localized worldwide.

verschiedene ID-Nummern in blau

Coding the e-bike makes illegal resale even more difficult.

Schild mit Haken in blau

As the last instance, insurance offers financial protection in the event of theft or loss of the e-bike.

The anti-theft concept of the future for e-bikes not only makes theft more difficult, but also unattractive by taking away the main motivation for it: profit.

2Lock logo mit blauer 2 und blauem Innenkreis im O

keyless. contactless. effortless.

2Lock icon in blau2Lock Icon in schwarz
Schild mit Verbindungen in alle Richtungen blauSchild mit verschiedenen Abzweigungen
Alarmierende Glocke in blaueine alarmierende Glocke
Marker für GPS in blaueine Stecknadel zur Ortung
verschiedene ID-Nummern in blauunterschiedliche Codierungen
Schild mit Haken in blauSchild mit Haken
Symbolisches Fahrrad bzw. E-Bike blauSymbolisches Fahrrad bzw. E-Bike ohne Markierung
Schlüsselloch des 2Lock Icon in schwarzAußenring des 2Lock icon in schwarzInnerer Ring des 2Lock Icon in blau

In addition to security, the usability is an absolute highlight that is only made possible by 2Lock. The integration of the physical lock into the contactless concept enables a completely automated locking and unlocking process.


The 2Lock-Team in their office.

We are Ben, Simon and Martin - the founders of 2Lock. Our mission is to revolutionize the locking process for e-bikes and thus create real added value for their owners. The idea for 2Lock was born back in spring 2021, when Simon started with the vision of developing an innovative lock. We quickly recognized the enormous potential and decided to pursue this idea together.

By joining forces, we began to refine the concept and create the basis for our revolutionary product. This led to us successfully implementing a proof of concept, applying for several patents and finally being awarded an EXIST start-up grant. We laid the foundation stone for our company in October 2022 with the founding of 2Lock GmbH in Regensburg, Bavaria.

Our Awards
Auszeichnung für Sieger des Businessplan Wettbewerb NordbayernPreisträgersiegel Gründungswettbewerb Digitale Innovationen
2Lock is supported
Bundeswirtschaftsministerium für Wirtschaft und Umweltschutz LogoExistenzgründungen aus der Wissenschaft LogoEuropäischer Sozialfonds für Deutschland LogoEuropäische Union LogoBayerisches Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft, Landesentwicklung und Energie LogoWIPANO Patentfoerderung Logo
We are proud of our partners
Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg LogoWIPANO Patentfoerderung LogoOstbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden LogoUniversität Regensburg LogoLogo of Digitale Gründerinitiative Oberpfalz DGOMicrosoft for Startups logo


2Lock GmbH
Franz-Mayer-Strasse 1
93053 Regensburg



An e-bike with 2Lock can simply be carried away. Do I have to secure it additionally?

No. If an e-bike is carried away despite the alarm signal and GPS tracking, it remains unrideable with 2Lock. Removing 2Lock is only possible at great expense of time and by destroying the wheel and fork. As all electronic components such as the motor, battery and display can no longer be used due to the security software, it is uneconomical for thieves to resell the bike.

Why is a 2Lock hub lock more secure?

In the 2Lock hub lock, both locking mechanisms are integrated inside the hub. In addition to wheel rotation, 2Lock also locks its own removal. This means that the owner alone decides when to remove the lock and therefore the entire front wheel.

Do I have to lock the 2Lock hub lock via a separate app or remote control?

No, due to the integration of 2Lock into the e-bike's system software, 2Lock is activated intuitively with all other protection mechanisms such as the alarm, tracking system and system security software.

Can I simply remove the front wheel in the event of a flat tire?

Of course! All you have to do is open the second locking mechanism (removal lock) and disconnect the connection between 2Lock and the e-bike's system software via a plug.

Can I retrofit the 2Lock hub lock to my e-bike?

Our 2Lock MVP is integrated into the system software of the e-bike and is therefore installed directly by the bike manufacturer. However, a retrofit product is conceivable at a later date.

Is it possible that the lock locks while driving?

No, this is not possible under any circumstances. The lock is designed so that it can only lock when the wheel is stationary.